My name is Sylvia Sponholz. I was born in 1952 in Hamburg and
live with my husband Uwe, who was born in 1943 in Belgard/Pommerania,
and our four-legged friends, on a farm in Nortorf near the
town of Wilster.
Due to a chronical illness I have been retired since 1982 and
have relied on a wheelchair now for over ten years. Our dogs
are our hobby.
For the past ten years I have organised shows for the German
Retriever Club (DRC).
I used to be an inspector for
Golden Retrievers and am entitled
to officially accept litters for all
breeds of retrievers.
At present I was spokeswoman
for all show and exhibition affairs
within the DRC.
My husband is a DRC judge for
escort dogs. Years ago he got
hunting lincense for the sake of
our retrievers.